I2CX - software I2C master

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Jerry Messina
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I2CX - software I2C master

Post by Jerry Messina » Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:04 pm

Many new devices no longer have an MSSP I2C peripheral (including the xv18 core devices), and the I2C peripheral in those devices is not compatible with the hdw I2C/I2C2 modules.

This new module (I2CX.bas) is a software I2C master that adds support for clock-stretching, which is useful for those slaves that require it (the existing SI2C module drives the SCL in push-pull fashion so it's not 100% I2C compliant). It has a few new features such as an event callback to let you setup IO pins (digital mode, slew rate, pullups, etc).

Here's an example... it's very similar to the existing modules

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program I2CX_example
device = 18F26Q71
clock = 64

include "intosc.bas"

#option I2CX_SCL = PORTC.3          // SCL
#option I2CX_SDA = PORTC.4          // SDA
#option I2CX_BAUD = 400             // 400KHz
#option I2CX_INIT_EVENT = true      // use init event for IO pin setup
include "I2CX.bas"

// setup 18FxxQ71 pins used for I2C (called by I2CX.Open/Initialize)
// most devices have weak pullups (WPU)
// _xv18 devices have addtl RxyI2C PAD controls for certain pins   
#option WPU = true
event IOinit()
    // RxyI2C PAD control present in _xv18 devices
    // [SLEW1] [SLEW0] [PU1] [PU0]   [--] [--] [TH1] [TH0]
    'const RXYI2C = (%11<<6) + (%10<<4) + %10      // slew=fast mode, pu=10x, th=SMBUS2.0
    const RXYI2C = 0    // set default to not used
    // set IO pin modes
  #if (I2CX_SCL = PORTC) and (I2CX_SCL@ = 3)    // check for PORTC.3
    ANSELC.bits(3) = 0      // 0=digital, 1=analog mode
    SLRCONC.bits(3) = 0     // 0=max rate, 1=limited slewrate (RxyI2C SLEW=00)
    INLVLC.bits(3) = 0      // 0=TTL, 1=ST (RxyI2C TH=00)
   #if (WPU)
    WPUC.bits(3) = 1        // enable weak pullup (if supported and RxyI2C PU=00)
    RC3I2C = RXYI2C

  #if (I2CX_SDA = PORTC) and (I2CX_SDA@ = 4)    // check for PORTC.4
    ANSELC.bits(4) = 0      // 0=digital, 1=analog mode
    SLRCONC.bits(4) = 0     // 0=max rate, 1=limited slewrate (RxyI2C SLEW=00)
    INLVLC.bits(4) = 0      // 0=TTL, 1=ST (RxyI2C TH=00)
   #if (WPU)
    WPUC.bits(4) = 1        // enable weak pullup (if supported and RxyI2C PU=00)
    RC4I2C = RXYI2C
end event

dim st as boolean
dim b as byte

// initialize I2C using the IOinit event to setup pins
I2CX.open(IOinit)       // requires 'I2CX_INIT_EVENT = true'

// check if bus ok
st = I2CX.CheckBus()

// see if slave device addr $02 responds (ACK/NACK)
st = I2CX.IsPresent($02)

// write $55 to addr $02

// read two bytes from addr $02
b = I2CX.ReadByte(I2C_ACK)
b = I2CX.ReadByte(I2C_NACK)


end program
I2CX will be included in the next update.
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